Monday, February 18, 2013

Meaning of Design

Hope everyone has an amazing weekend and those of you in the US, hope you're enjoying the long weekend. Last week, we defined the different design disciplines with an emphasis on those that deal with our built environment {check it out HERE}. This week we are going to define what is design and why it is important.

Simply stated design is "a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of an object before it is built or made". You can also say that design is "the development of a strategic plan to achieve something". This means that all of us are designers in one way or the other, and that everything out there has been the product of this creative process.

Design must meet 3 criteria to be called a good design or to be of quality: functionality, which means if it fulfills the purpose it was created for; materiality, referring to the quality of the materials used to make it; and aesthetic value, this happens when the design is pleasing to the senses of the users it was created for. 

Nowadays, many designs don't meet all these criteria 100% as it is the case of website designs, because the have a materiality that depends of where the user is perceiving this design. Or maybe, the design is both functional and has aesthetic value but the quality of the materials is not durable like it is the case some clothing brands.

 Well designed products have a tremendous effect on our every day lives: it influences our shopping habits {nice stores vs. messy ones}, dictates what  we wear {blue vs. green in the summer}, decides what cars we buy {SUV's vs. hybrids}, makes us feel comfortable {chairs with arms vs. armless at our desks}, and many more... look around you and see that design makes you choose one thing over the other.

Have a great day and tell me what you see!


  1. I always find it really interesting that bad design is much more noticeable than really great design! Great design just works!

  2. Ha! I knew I was a designer really! ;-) Good design is a great and lasting thing (I'm thinking very much of Eames here or the Bauhaus movement) but I feel that there's so much cheap clutter around us nowadays that it gets increasingly difficult to see the really good ones... Anyway, on a brighter note, happy Monday! :-)

  3. Love that chair, have one on wheels in my home office. Have a great week! Xoxo

  4. Gorgeous. I hope you enjoy the long weekend!! xx

  5. Love that chair design & the pretty feathers!

  6. Love that peachy shade in the blouse on the right! :-)

  7. Those shoes are stunning. Would be so nice with a simple black dress!

  8. A very interesting article in the New York Times, Sunday, February 17..."Why We Love Beautiful Things" by Lance Hosey. A neuroscientist's take on what makes good design. Love that you're exploring this subject.

  9. Love this post. It leads me to think amazing how design is part of our everyday life, from the time we wake up and style an outfit together, the functionality of how we've positioned everything in our house and how these affect our activities till bedtime, how the bed linen- materials feel against our skin defining its quality. :)

  10. I adore this, I just love these shoes!
    Best Regards
    Miss Margaret Cruzemark

  11. Great post! I am reading "In pursuit of elegance" by Matthew May. It states some of the things you mentioned above and how Shibumi is related to design, art etc. A good book.

  12. Always love great design!

    xo Mary Jo

  13. I'm so with you on actual 'conscious' design and not the fast-flash crud that's produced mass market these days

  14. interesting! i think i often forgo good quality when it comes to clothes because i'm wanting to buy something inexpensive that i can wear and toss. but in other situations i do try to find a balance between the three criteria!

  15. This is a great post, and I LOVE those shoes!

  16. This is an really well written post.
    I think it's often very hard to completely fulfil functionality, materiality, and aesthetic value. I suppose the challenge is to strike the right compromise between those three criteria.

  17. Very interesting. I love it when beautiful design and functionality meet seamlessly.

  18. pretty photos! love the design of the shoes and the shirt!

  19. Hey! I e-mailed you!

    Please e-mail us with your shipping information so that we can get you your prize! (Double Happiness Earrings!)


  20. That is a very interesting and informative post.
    I love reading about design because it is one of my passions in life.

  21. Packaging designs always interest me... There have been quite a number of times where I bought something because it was packaged beautifully, only to find out that the product itself was so-so. The Japanese are especially great at packaging design. I could just browse for hours inside a store that sells Japanese goods (esp. stationery!). =)

  22. So true! I am buying a new white computer desk and new white computer chair. I am replacing the knobs that come with the desk with glass knobs. Plus a new Imac, this will REALLY help my work flow!

    Ali of

  23. As a designer I can tell you presentation is everything! For my work it begins with a great sketch and is sold with beautiful photography

  24. Love this post!! So informative and obviously full of great design!!! xox
