Monday, July 22, 2013


They need to happen and they are welcome as I hope they will be for the best. Over the past couple of months the frequency and consistency of blog posts has been off, which has made me rethink how things are done around here.

My work schedule has changed so much over the past 2 or 3 months that I've decided to make changes that facilitate blog post and reading. From now on the weekly links will move from Friday to Monday as I have more time over the weekend for my reading. Also, I think starting the week well informed is a good way to do it.

Tuesdays will be dedicated to Design Punctuation and continuing out journey through design. Wednesdays will be all about food and drinks, and anything delicious!

Thursdays we'll take a journey to places far away and close by to discover the beauty of traveling. Finally, on Fridays I decided to leave open to bring back some old features or wind down from the crazy week and get ready for the weekend.

This way I hope to stay more connected to everyone, be more present in our community and keep learning new things as I find new topics to talk about.

Have a lovely week and wee you back here tomorrow!


  1. Happy Monday doll, this sounds great. You must do whatever makes it easiest for you and you have fun!! Blogging isn't always so easy and it takes a lot of time to do. I hope you have a great week xx

  2. I like how organised and planned it all sounds. I tend to blog very much "off the cuff", so things change as life happens, but maybe having a real plan is not a bad idea... Have a great start to the week xo

  3. Sometimes you do have to reorganize things just so you can fit in everything that you want to do :) Hope the new schedule works for you!

  4. Hi dear, I think rearranging a blog schedule is always helpful, i did so a few months and it really helped me to get organized.

  5. I'm glad you're rearranging things in a manner that works for you dear. It looks like it will be fun to read!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  6. I have no basic plan for my blogging. I try to keep thing simple but after I read this post, I guess I should consider putting a weekly blog plan to keep my readers and viewers flowing :-)

  7. It sounds like some great changes are afoot! I've followed your blog as it changed, you changed work, moved, etc. it's always worth it! We'll be sure to keep following along - love your blog!

  8. They all sound like fantastic changes!

  9. Great photos for this post and oh yeah managing a blog and working full time is no easy task.

    Ali of

    Dressing Ken

  10. Sounds awesome to me! In blogging, you have to do what works for you.

  11. Well, love the way you keep your blogging organized! Sounds great to me! Xo,
